Zadná zadná kamera Redtiger do auta 1080P pre F7N/F17/F9
Toto je nevodotesná otočná zadná kamera do auta pre palubnú kameru, ktorá dokáže nahrávať vo vnútri alebo mimo auta, ako sa rozhodnete otáčať.
Vhodné pre Redtiger Série F7N/F17/F9 s rozlíšením 1080P HD s čistotou vozovky na nahrávanie počas jazdy.
360 Degree Rotatable
This is a rotating rear cam that can switch to record inside the car or outside the car. Easy to install to have more perspective of driving safety.
Light weight
The original rear camera for F7N was heavy, but this one is lighter.
Personalized installation location
Personalized installation location for individual preference, you could install it on front windshield or rear windshield.